With technology evolving, it’s only a matter of time that industrial companies try to adapt to newer technologies to improve the way they train their employees. One of these technologies is augmented reality, which a specialized AR software called augmented reality training simulator software can immerse training employees into real-life situations that mixes real-world and virtual worlds together. Here are some of the best AR software for company training by augmented reality software companies

5+ Augmented Reality Training Simulator Software

1. Help Lightning

help lightning


Rating: 5/5

Price: FREE


2. Amazon Sumerian

amazon sumerian


Rating: 4.5/5

Price: Custom


3. Dynamics 365 Guides

dynamics 365 guides


Rating: 4.5/5

Price: $63.19/month





Rating: 5/5

Price: $266/month


5. HyperIndustry



Rating: 5/5

Price: Custom


6. MagicLens



Rating: 4.9/5

Price: Custom


What Is Augmented Reality Training Simulator Software?

Augmented reality training simulator software is an augmented reality software that immerses users into an AR world to help them train for a new set of skills related to their new job. This AR software enables users to partially be part of an AR world, merging the AR world into the real world for training.


Augmented reality training simulator software allows the convergence between the real world and virtual world as AR environments are integrated into the real world. While AR software accommodates any purposes, this specific augmented reality programming software allows users of the software to train themselves to acquire new skills to get a new job or acquire a new position. This AR development software is also easy to use as users can simply use their smartphones with cameras to enter the AR world that is incorporated into the real world.

This augment software immerses the users into a partially virtual world as the software imitates real-life situations where users will acquire new skills through these hybrid situations, allowing for growth into themselves as people and as qualified employees in their respective fields.


Augmented reality training simulator software should be able to provide tools that allow developers to create AR environments, specifically for the use of training purposes. The AR development software may provide no coding plateform software tools such as drag and drop tools for developers with limited to no experience or a full-on programming coding platform for more experienced developers, though the latter provides the most solutions that can help them create AR environments for training.

The software should be able to allow users to use 3D objects and integrate them into AR environments. The software also contains brand management software tools that allow companies to integrate their branding into these AR experiences. The software should also have a data analytics software feature where it provides an analysis of the users’ performance during their training simulations.

  • Create AR environments for training purposes
  • Drag and drop tools or code programming tools
  • Integrate 2D and 3D objects into the AR experience
  • Brand management tools for AR integration
  • Data analytics dashboard feature

Top 6 Augmented Reality Training Simulator Software

1. HyperIndustry

HyperIndustry provides industry companies their augmented reality platform software that helps train their employees as well enhance their work operations powered by AR technology. HyperIndustry is owned and developed by Inglobe Technologies, which the parent company has 12 employees and earns annual revenue of $1.7 million.

2. Amazon Sumerian

Amazon Sumerian enables companies to create AR environments easily that can be accessed on a web browser directly without downloading an app. Amazon has 1 million employees and earned a revenue of $113.1 billion recently in the second quarter of 2021.

3. Dynamics 365 Guides

Dynamics 365 Guides immerses employees with their employee training software tools that help them guide their training using AR technology. Dynamics 365 Guides is owned and developed by Microsoft, which the parent company has 182,268 employees and earned a revenue of $41.7 billion in the third quarter of 2021.


BUNDLAR empowers users to create AR experiences with no coding experience, making this easy for companies to create AR training environments easily. BUNDLAR has around 25 employees and earns a revenue of around $5 million.

5. Help Lightning

Help Lightning guides companies with their next-generation video collaboration services that allow companies to use the power of video to help them provide solutions, including the use of AR through its visual assistance software. Help Lightning has 32 employees and earns annual revenue of $4.6 million.

6. MagicLens

MagicLens provides companies with a versatile AR platform that allows companies to showcase their industrial products and services. MagicLens is owned and developed by Catchoom, which the parent company has 24 employees and earns annual revenue of $3.5 million.


What is the difference between virtual reality training simulator software and augmented reality training software?

While both software offers the same experience and features, the technology of the software is where their similarities end. Virtual reality training simulator software, powered by virtual reality (VR) software, fully immerses users in a completely virtual reality world for training purposes through the use of an external VR device that is placed on the head. Augmented reality training simulator mixes the real world with augmented reality as users utilize smartphones or other hardware with a camera where users to see the AR objects integrated placed into the real world as if these objects exist.

Which industries will benefit from augmented reality training software?

Industries such as medical school, aviation, law enforcement, and transpiration would benefit from using augmented reality training software as AR experiences can be made with real-life situations of these industries in mind that immerse training users as if they are placed in those situations powered by AR technology.

How much does augmented reality training simulator software cost?

Pricing for augmented reality training simulator software can range from free to $266 per month or more, with custom pricing available for some software. Pricing for augmented reality training simulator software varies depending on the features available and the intended target user. Small companies may benefit more from low-cost augmented reality training simulator software, while large companies may benefit more from high-cost software.

With augmented reality training simulator software, companies can create real-life work scenarios using AR technology that puts their employees up to the test in the most effective ways possible. It helps that some of the software is easy!

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