Sometimes when we’re excited to download a program, we forgot to check if it’s really any good. By the time we find condition of poor quality in the file we just downloaded, we’ve already wasted data space to store it in and time to run it. In order to combat this from happening, a file integrity software can help you make sure that the file you downloaded has good quality and hasn’t been tampered with.

If you need a software that can secure a network, then you might want to get yourself a Network Security Software to help you monitor that network and secure it.

ADAudit Plus

adaudit plus


Rating: 4.5/5

Price: Free


NNT Change Tracker

nnt change tracker


Rating: 4.2/5

Price: Free





Rating: 4.7/5

Price: Free





Rating: 4.6/5

Price: Free





Rating: 4.1/5

Price: Free


McAfee Integrity Control

mcafee integrity


Rating: 4.8/5

Price: Free


Is It Worth Its Salt?

File integrity monitoring validates the integrity of an operating system and an application software file by using a verification method with the file in question and comparing it to a good, known baseline. It does this by calculating an already known cryptographic checksum of the file’s original baseline.

The file integrity monitoring software does this for you to make sure that the file you’re getting hasn’t been tampered with or in poor conditional quality. It measures the current state of the file and compares it to the original one to make sure that the file is authentic.

The file integrity monitoring software monitors values such as:

  • privileges and security settings
  • hash values
  • content
  • core attributes and size
  • configuration values
  • credentials

With this software you can make sure that you’re only getting the best quality of the file you can get. You can safely use those files without worrying if they’re worth their salt. No one wants to download a file of poor quality or a file that has been so tampered with that you can’t even use that file.

Ever needed to parse event logs? Then what you need is an Event Log Analyzer Software to help you collect those logs, run an analysis, and then store them.




Rating: 4.2/5

Price: Free





Rating: 4.1/5

Price: Free


Netwrix Auditor for Windows

netwrix auditor for windows


Rating: 4.6/5

Price: Free


Vidder for Mac

vidder for mac


Rating: 4.5/5

Price: Free


Tenable – Most Popular Software

tenable most popular software


Rating: 4.8/5

Price: Free


Why Should You Get This Software?

Maybe making sure a file isn’t of poor quality isn’t really all that important as it sounds. But think of this: your file might be withholding a certain tool that’s crucial for you to run it properly. It won’t be able to function as good as it was intended to if the quality of that file has been tampered with or has been subtly corrupted.

This file integrity monitoring software will help you measure just how good the shape of this file is in. Whether it’s actually useful or not, or just flat out makes things worse, this software will give you the heads up and advice you through cryptographic checksum (fancy term for checking the files encrypted data through complex means) to help you know whether this file is really what it says it is.

To list it down, a file integrity monitoring software:

  • Helps you save time by checking the file’s credentials and quality.
  • Provides you with a clear summation of how good the quality of the file really is.
  • Clears useless or poor quality files from your computer by helping you identify them.

Are you on the lookout for an SSH Client Software that can monitor a computer remotely? Then you’re on the lookout for some quality SSH Client Software to help you with your troubles.

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