Whether news writer or article writer, you will need something to write on, but will just any text editor do? No. As a technical writer, you will need one that can ensure that your format is good and even give you the ability to add a few graphics design to your article.

What every technical writer needs, then, is a writing software that ensures that they can churn out the articles they need to publish with the right format and the pictures to accompany them. Most of these software comes with an automatic spell checker. However, if they don’t, you may want to look into a spell check software.




Rating: 4.6/5

Price: Free





Rating: 4.4/5

Price: Free





Rating: 4.5/5

Price: Free


MadCap Flare

madcap flare


Rating: 4.5/5

Price: Free Trial Available





Rating: 4.3/5

Price: Free





Rating: 4.3/5

Price: Free


Tools of the Trade

You will find pictures that accompany the worded content. “How do they achieve this and how do you do it too?” The answer is to use a technical writing software and some of the perks they sport.

  • Insert Pictures
    With most technical writing software, you are able to insert pictures into your work, efficiently making it not only eye-catching but also making it more memorable and understandable.
  • Save Your Format
    With the software, you are able to ensure that your format is being seen clearly. Not only do you not have to worry about the bullets and spaces being ruined, all your indentations will be preserved.
  • Font in Your Front of Choice
    Your fonts will also be kept intact even if you set different fonts for different segments of your article. You are able to choose which segments get written in what font.
  • Create Your Templates
    If you churn out articles at a steady pace, you might find yourself recreating the same setups such as indentations, fonts and font sizes. Most technical writing software allows you to save your setup as a template to save you time, just like some ebook writing software.

Sigil For mac

sigil for mac


Rating: 4.3/5

Price: Free


LibreOffice For Windows

libreoffice for windows


Rating: 4.4/5

Price: Free


Technical Writing For Android

technical writing for android


Rating: 4.4/5

Price: Free


FocusWriter – Most Popular Software

focuswriter most popular software


Rating: 4.8/5

Price: Free


A Few More Advantages…

  • Supports Different File Formats
    Most technical writing software are able to support different file formats. While some might not find this as important, being able to open and save different file types will allow for different devices to read your work.
  • Written By…
    Technical writing software also has a feature that allows you, the writer, to save your name in the file properties, helping you protect the file against anyone who would want to steal it and claim their work as their own. This is a feature that nearly all, if not all, technical writing software comes with.

Clarity is Key

When your articles are being read, you will worry whether or not your reader will understand what you’re trying to tell them. Be it news or trends, you will want to make sure that you’re getting your point across by using words and pictures.

Font, font size, font color and the pictures, in the right hands, increase the readability of the article. Understanding how all this ties together is one of the required skills in order to be a successful article writer. If you are, however, an experienced article writer, you may want to look into LaTeX tools to help with your writing further.

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