Error free coding is the ultimate dream of every developer. However, it is nearly impossible to eliminate the presence of bugs with a single try. This is exactly where Source Code Analysis Tools come to help you.

These tools can recheck every execution path and code to find all sorts of errors. You can also understand the reason behind every single error from these tools. No matter which language you choose, it is possible to find a code analyzer software.


coverity scan


Rating: 4.4/5

Price: Free


You can easily fix the bugs using Coverity Scan, through three simple steps. First of all, you need to create an account on Coverity. After signing up, you can upload your codes to identify the errors. You will be provided with a comprehensive analysis. This is the fastest way to rectify and catch possible bugs.




Rating: 4.6/5

Price: Free Trail Available


This exceptional software is compatible with new scripts such as PHP and Python. It has advanced security options, to deliver the best possible experience. Other products cannot find unused code – unused local variables and parameters as sharp as Synopsys. Desktop analysis is also available in this software. You can visit their official website to download this amazing product.




Rating: 4.2/5

Price: Free


As the name implies, this software is specially designed to catch and correct bugs in your program. Find Bugs will detect and highlight the presence of unused codes if any. This is perhaps the best available bug finder for Java developers. This software analyzes bug patterns and identifies all the errors.




Rating: 4/5

Price: Free


If you want a quick analysis, FlawFinder will help you. This is a simple program, specially designed to find the flaws of C and C++ source codes. Python 2 is required to run this program. It has been tested successfully on Linux based systems. You can find issues like possible bugs – empty if/else/try/catch/finally statements, using FlawFinder.




Rating: 3.9/5

Price: Free


PMD allows you to identify bad practices – inverted logic and parameter reassignment. Catch blocks, and the unnecessary objects are harmful for the smooth operation of a source code. PMD know how to eliminate and repair these errors. It supports almost every type of programing language such as Java, Velocity, XML, XSL, etc…

Clang Static Analyzer

clang static analyzer


Rating: 4.7/5

Price: Free


Let it be C, C++, or an objective-C program, clang analyzer will help you to understand the flaws associated with your coding. It can be used along with Xcode, or a stand alone independent program. Clang static analyzer is an open source product, and can be used without any sort of authorization.




Rating: 4.5/5

Price: Free


There can be many issues associated with source codes like bad practices, unused codes, and complicated codes. OCLint identifies and eliminates all these issues. You can find detailed tutorials on the official website. This independent software runs on Linux as well as MAC platform. You can also get a lot of additional details and support from OCLint developer communities.

Most popular Source Code Analysis Tool – BishopFox



Rating: 4.7/5

Price: Free


This is one of the most user-friendly software models available today. You can visit the CHM help files to answer all your doubts. This is actually an attacking tool, to find the tensile strength of your codes. It is a tool for search engines like Google and Bing. Bishop Fox can unveil the vulnerability of source codes. You can also see VBscript Editor

What are Source Code Analysis Tools

Any developer with good skills can create source codes. However, it is not easy to identify various types of bugs and flaws. A source code analysis tool will search for the bug patterns and display errors within no time. During the early stages, it will be better to use a static analysis tool.

Such tools can identify errors without executing the program. However, it is advisable to seek the help of a dynamic source code analysis tool before releasing the final product. A dynamic tool will execute the actual program and identify more complicated bugs. Most of these source codes are open source projects. You can also see PHP Editor Software

Why you Need Source Code Analysis Tools

Source code analysis tool is the only thing that can help you with a quick code verification. This way, you can identify all the possible issues and bugs. Bug fixing can be done effectively, using these tools. We are living on a competitive world. Only the best can survive here. Source code analysis tool is the best way to stay at the top.

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